Online Learning Resources For Educators

Courses designed to improve youth awareness around essential topics to prepare for life outside the classroom.

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Learn About Your Taxes Courses
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Demystify taxes and boost confidence in youth so they can do taxes on their own with these 7 gamified online courses by the Canadian Revenue Agency. Course titles include: Starting to Work, Preparing to Do Your Taxes, Completing a Basic Tax Return, After Sending the CRA Your Tax Return and Purpose of Taxes. Students will earn a certificate of achievement for completing the Completing a Basic Tax Return course.

Embracing Nature’s Climate Solutions
Science & Environment
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
In this course, students will delve into the topic nature-based climate solutions through a western lens while covering themes of climate change, conservation and climate action. This course was developed in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Money Management Foundations
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
This course introduces students to resources and tools that they will be able to use throughout their financial journey and contains questions covering topics such as budgeting, saving, and debit and credit cards. Help improve financial confidence among students in Grades 6 - 12 with a gamified online course.

Money Management After High School
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Help improve financial confidence in Grade 6- 12 students with this course by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada that introduces students to resources and tools that they will be able to use well beyond high school. Content includes taxes, financial resources for post-secondary, and more!

Connect to Careers in Air Traffic Services
Career & Pathways
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
In this course, students will discover the skills, responsibilities and requirements of careers in air traffic control, flight information services and technical support technologists as they learn about NAV CANADA, air navigation technology and the diverse career opportunities that await.

Quantum in Canada: Careers and Pathways of the Future
Career & Pathways
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
In this course, students will explore quantum science and technologies as they discover opportunities, careers and pathways in the quantum industry.

Manitoba Sector Council Career Resources
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
Explore career opportunities in Manitoba’s key industries with modules developed in partnership with multiple organizations within the 11 sectors, funded by The Manitoba Government. Students can discover post-secondary pathways and in-demand careers across various sectors, helping them make informed decisions about their future.

Work and Travel Abroad with International Experience Canada
Career & Pathways
Grade 8-12 EN/FR
In this course students will explore unique experiences to work and travel around the world as they discover the different countries available, how to apply, travel tips and travel advice from International Experience Canada (IEC).

Careers of the Future: Advanced Manufacturing
Career & Pathways
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
In this course, students will explore advanced manufacturing by Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) as they discover careers, career pathways, innovative technologies, and opportunities in advanced manufacturing.

Keep Canada Safe! Discover Careers in Cyber Security
Career & Pathways
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
This course from the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) connects cyber security careers with its mission to safeguard Canadians from the everchanging cyber threat landscape, while introducing students to the cyber security concepts.

Discover Accounting in Manitoba
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
This course from the Chartered Professional Accountants of Manitoba (CPA MB) will explore accounting myths, careers in the accounting industry, career pathways to becoming a CPA, and financial literacy skills essential to the CPA profession and everyday life.

Explore a Career as a Chartered Professional Accountant
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
This course from the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA ON) will explore accounting myths and misconceptions, careers as an accountant and CPA, professional pathways into the accounting industry, and financial literacy skills essential to everyday life.

MB Traditional & Advanced Manufacturing Sector Courses
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In these courses, students will explore career opportunities in Manitoba’s Traditional & Advanced Manufacturing Sector. Modules will cover industrial production and emerging manufacturing technologies. Students will learn about skilled trades and engineering careers related to the automotive industry, heavy machinery, plus specialist technician roles in the print industry. Funded by The Manitoba Government.

MB Tourism, Hospitality & Retail/Customer Service Sector Courses
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In these courses, students will explore career opportunities and pathways in Manitoba’s Tourism, Hospitality & Retail/Customer Service Sector. Modules will cover retail, housekeeping, cooking and bartending, tour guides, receptionists, customer contact services, etc. Funded by The Manitoba Government.

MB Natural Resource, Energy & Environment Sector Course
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, students will explore career opportunities in Manitoba’s Natural Resource, Energy & Environment Sector. Modules will cover natural resource management, including oil, gas, renewable energy, plus sustainable resource development and clean tech. Funded by The Manitoba Government.

MB Information, Communication & Digital Technologies Sector Courses
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In these courses, students will explore career opportunities in Manitoba’s Information, Communication & Digital Technologies Sector. Modules will cover interactive digital media, software development, and more. Funded by The Manitoba Government.
2 hrs
Coming Soon

Learn about Labour Market Information with
Career & Pathways
Grade 8-12 EN/FR
In this course, students will learn about labour market information (LMI). Exploring LMI can help students discover career options, develop a career plan, and help them make good decisions about their career based on essential workforce topics such as supply and demand, industry insights, work conditions, skills, job openings, and more.

Discover the World of Risk Management
Career & Pathways
Grade 8-12 EN
This course introduces students to the essential careers and career pathways in risk management. Students will explore a wide range of emerging careers in risk management, from cybersecurity and digital risk to natural disaster management. They will learn how these careers are critical to identifying, assessing, and managing threats or uncertainties in various industries. The course also highlights post-secondary programs in Alberta that specialize in risk management.
30 mins
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Connect to Careers in Care with BC Emergency Health Services
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
Through this course students will learn all about careers in emergency health services. They'll explore a variety of career paths available, including how these careers work together to support the healthcare sector in British Columbia.

Mental Health and Wellness
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Learn about a wide range of mental health topics and resources that can help youth become better help-seekers and mental health leaders! These modules will bring you right to the experts–like Kids Help Phone, Anxiety Canada, and the Canadian Mental Health Association. Topics include stress and anxiety, body image, mindfulness, grief and loss, physical well-being, and more.

Mental Health Disorders and Substance Use
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Build your awareness and help eliminate stigma around mental health disorders and substance use! These modules will bring you right to the experts–like Kids Help Phone, the Canadian Mental Health Association, and Crisis Services Canada. Plus, learn more about finding help and supporting others.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
These modules will guide you through topics like stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, and the impacts they have on youth mental health. Plus, learn about unique resources for Indigenous, Black, Muslim, Asian, LGBTQ2S+, and newcomer youth in Canada.

Insurance Literacy and Me
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN
In this course by Insurance Career Connections, students will gain insurance literacy on many topics from home to car insurance with resources from the Insurance Bureau of Canada and the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction.

Insurance Career Connections
Career & Pathways
Grade 6-12 EN
In this course by Insurance Career Connections, students will gain knowledge of the various career paths the insurance industry has to offer.

Automotive & RV Industry Pathways
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, students will learn about career pathways available in the automotive and recreation vehicle industry by taking a tour of relevant industry websites. Partners include national and provincial automotive and recreational vehicle organizations.

Explore Provincial Elections
Grade 10-12 EN
In this course, students will learn all about how provincial elections work. They'll find out who can vote, what rights voters have, and how to register to vote. Additionally, they'll discover job options with Elections BC. It's a great opportunity to understand how elections in British Columbia work and maybe even uncover new career pathways!

Digital Guidance Office Courses
Colleges & Universities
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Students can get a deeper look at a number of Post-Secondary Institutions via our Digital Guidance Office modules. Students will explore entry or training requirements, what student life might be like, and more. Participating institutions vary by province and territory.
2 hrs

Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 8-12 EN
The WorkSafeBC Modules help students understand common risks associated with different kinds of work environments and hazards on the job while introducing them to their rights and responsibilities as workers.

New Brunswick Mental Health Resources
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Learn all about mental health services and resources available for youth in New Brunswick. Questions in these modules will guide students through the websites of organizations like Chimo Helpline, CMHA-New Brunswick, Bridge the Gapp, Atlantic Wellness, 211, Horizon Health Network, and more.
40 mins
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Newfoundland and Labrador Mental Health Resources
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN
Learn all about mental health services and resources available for youth in Newfoundland and Labrador. Questions in these modules will guide students through the websites of organizations like Bridge the Gapp, The Channal Warm Line, Therapy Assistance Online (TAO), Strongest Families Institute (SFI), Doorways, Mental Health Crisis Line, and more.
40 mins
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Ontario Mental Health Resources
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Learn all about mental health services and resources available for youth in Ontario. Questions in this module will guide students through the websites of organizations like BounceBack Ontario, ConnexOntario, CMHA-Ontario, Distress and Crisis Ontario, Children’s Mental Health Ontario, and more.

British Columbia Mental Health Resources
Health, Wellness, & Safety
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Learn all about mental health services and resources available for youth in British Columbia. Questions in these modules have been created in collaboration with provincial organizations like Foundry BC, Aged Out, MindCheck, Looking Glass Foundation, QChat, and more. Plus, additional modules coming soon!
40 mins
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MB Construction Sector Course
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, students will explore career opportunities in Manitoba’s Construction Sector. Modules will cover residential, commercial, and industrial construction, as well as skilled trades. Funded by The Manitoba Government.

Saskatchewan Agriculture Industry Pathways
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, students will learn about career pathways available in Saskatchewan's agriculture industry by taking a tour of relevant industry websites.

Alberta Agriculture Industry Pathways
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, students will learn about career pathways available in Alberta's agriculture industry by taking a tour of relevant industry websites. Partners include: Alberta Canola, Alberta Pork, and Alberta Lamb.

Health Services Industry Pathways in Ontario
Career & Pathways
Grade 6-12 EN
This collaborative course which includes the Medical Laboratory Professionals’ Association of Ontario (MLPAO) helps students explore the skills, responsibilities and education requirements of many different career pathways in the healthcare system.
30 mins
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Understanding Public Health in BC
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, the Public Health Association of British Columbia will inform students about public health issues and initiatives across BC. These issues tackle everything from homelessness and vaccination rates, to food insecurity and planetary health.
30 mins
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New Brunswick Climate Action Education Modules
Science & Environment
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Help increase climate literacy among students in New Brunswick, and empower them to become climate action champions in their schools and communities. Students who answer 60% or more questions correctly will earn a certificate.

Engineering Technology Careers and Pathways in Ontario
Career & Pathways
Grade 8-12 EN
This course by the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) will guide you through the careers, paths and opportunities available in engineering and applied science technology.

Business Industry Pathways in Manitoba
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
This collaborative course, which includes the Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) of Manitoba, will introduce students to exciting opportunities and careers in Manitoba’s business industry.
30 mins
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Discover Careers and Opportunities with the OACFP
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
In this course, you will learn about the Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP), from what they do and how they operate to the many ways they support their members and the Bereavement sector.
30 mins
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Explore Accounting in British Columbia
Career & Pathways
Grade 9-12 EN
This course from Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia will dive into some accounting myths, career development, financial literacy and the path to becoming a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).

BC, (in select regions)
Connect to Careers by SD34
My District
Grade 6-12 EN
In this course from Abbotsford SD34, students will explore the various university, trades and technology programs available to them as they discover career pathways and unique career work placements.
1 hr

BC, (in select regions)
Nanaimo Career Development: Trades & Transitions Opportunities
My District
Grade 6-12 EN
In this course, you will learn about Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools Career-Life Education through various trades, work and university programs offered through the Career Technical Centre (CTC). You will also discover the different competencies and knowledge you could gain through these programs.
1 hr

BC, (in select regions)
Nanaimo Health Sampler Courses
My District
Grade 6-12 EN
These courses provide an introduction to the use of EducationPlannerBC, VIHA, and university and college pathways in health care. Course titles include: "Explore Postsecondary Pathways in Healthcare" and "Connect to Careers in Healthcare.” Students will explore diverse healthcare career paths, understand how these careers work together, and gain skills in navigating career resources such as WorkBC.
2 hrs

BC, (in select regions)
Kamloops Career Development: Trades & Transitions Opportunities
My District
Grade 6-12 EN
The Career Development: Trades and Transitions Opportunities course from SD73 explores the many programs and trade certifications available from hairstyling to applied sustainable ranching. You will also learn the academic and application requirements for the skilled trades.
1 hr