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Quantum in Canada: Careers and Pathways of the Future

by Quantum Algorithms Institute

EN Ipad Graphic for LP Banner - Topics

Course Description:

In this course, students will explore quantum science and technologies as they discover opportunities, careers and pathways in the quantum industry.


Module Titles:

Module 1: What is Quantum
Module 2: Where is Quantum Today?
Module 3-A: Careers in STEM in Quantum 
Module 3-B: Careers in the Skilled Trades in Quantum 
Module 3-C: Non-Technical and Business Careers in Quantum
Module 4: Quantum Pathways from Education to Industry
Module 5: How Quantum Will Change the World

Course Information:

Course Topic: Career & Pathways
Region Availability: CAN
Grade Level:  6-12
Language Availability: EN/FR
Duration: Approximately 1.5 hrs


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Quantum AI Logo

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  1. Watch the "How to Create Your Student ChatterHigh Account" video.
  2. Sign up at chatterhigh.com/en/students/new
  3. Click the "Modules" tab
  4. BONUS Watch the Mindful Modules video for a complete overview of accessing and completing ChatterHigh modules.

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Questions about this course or getting started?

Contact Zoé

Questions about course creation?

Contact Mike
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