Upcoming Competitions

All you need to compete is a ChatterHigh account. Competitions are based on answering Daily Quiz questions or on a specific Mindful Module.

Spring 2023 Competition Updates
You Selected:
New Brunswick Climate Action ED Competition
Science & Environment
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
This competition is an opportunity for all Grade 6-12 students from Anglophone districts (ASD-N, ASD-E, ASD-S, ASD-W) in New Brunswick to become more informed about climate change, and empowered to take action.
Prize: $2,500 in school cash prizes to be won!
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2025-01-29 00:00:00
2025-04-25 00:00:00
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MB ChatterHigh Competition
Careers and Programs
Grade 9-12 EN/FR
This is an opportunity for Manitoba high school students to compete on behalf of their schools while becoming more informed about career and post-secondary pathways! Students will answer a multiple-choice daily quiz and earn points towards their school's leaderboard. These quizzes provide an avenue for researching and exploring thousands of higher education and career pathways that may otherwise remain undiscovered.
Prize: $11,500 in school cash prizes to be won!
Daily Quiz
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2025-04-14 00:00:00
2025-05-23 00:00:00
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Let's Talk Careers: Canada's Most Informed School
Careers and Programs
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
This competition offers students the opportunity to discover existing and emergent careers, and make connections between school, post-secondary, and the world of work. Let’s Talk Science, Skills Canada, NGen, NAV CANADA, Quantum Algorithms Institute, and ChatterHigh have teamed up to offer this exciting opportunity that engages students in career discovery through competition! Points earned by the entire school community contribute to the school's ranking where four divisions are based on school population.
Prize: $10,000 in school cash prizes to be won!
Daily Quiz
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2025-04-14 00:00:00
2025-05-23 00:00:00
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Let's Talk Careers: Canada's Most Informed Student
Careers and Programs
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
This competition is an opportunity for students to win prizes while becoming more informed about career and post-secondary options after high school! Students will answer a 10-question quiz each day to earn points towards their personal leaderboards and unlock bursaries for achieving a threshold of correct answers. These quizzes allow them to research and explore thousands of higher education and career options.
Prize: $40,000 in student cash bursaries to be won!
Daily Quiz
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2025-04-14 00:00:00
2025-05-23 00:00:00
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AccountAbility Quest
Financial Literacy
Grade 9-12 EN
This competition by CPA Alberta is a 50-question multiple-choice contest designed to make accounting fun and accessible. It is open to all high school students in Alberta. Parental consent and registration is required.
Prize: Up to $1,000 for students and $4,000 for schools with strong participation
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2025-03-15 00:00:00
2025-03-15 00:00:00
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CPABC COIN Competition
Financial Literacy
Grade 10-12 EN
This competition is hosted on the ChatterHigh platform. It is a multiple-choice question exam focusing on introductory financial literacy and accounting concepts. It is open to all students in grades 10-12 attending BC secondary schools. Parental consent and registration is required.
Prize: $6,700 in cash prizes available for schools and students
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2025-04-12 00:00:00
2025-04-12 00:00:00
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Learn About Your Taxes Competition
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Students can build confidence in their ability to do their own taxes while competing for a piece of the prize pot for their school! This competition is based on the Learn About Your Taxes courses by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), which guides students through some of the CRA's tools and resources.
Prize: $5,000 in school cash prizes to be won!
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2025-01-29 00:00:00
2025-03-07 00:00:00

Money Management Competition
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
Help improve financial confidence in students by participating in this competition, based on the Money Management Modules by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC). This activity will guide students through some of FCAC's tools and resources as they learn basic concepts about money management, budgeting, and starting to work. Encourage school pride while preparing students for the future!
Prize: $5,000 in school cash prizes to be won!
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2025-01-29 00:00:00
2025-03-07 00:00:00

Insurance Literacy and Me Competition
Financial Literacy
Grade 6-12 EN
Based on the Insurance Literacy and Me course by the Insurance Institute and Career Connections, this competition will help students learn about different types of insurance and discover how insurance is a part of everything we do!
Prize: $5,000 in school cash prizes to be won!
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2025-01-29 00:00:00
2025-03-07 00:00:00

NB ChatterHigh Competition
Careers and Programs
Grade 9-12 EN/FR
An opportunity for public high schools in New Brunswick to win prizes while their students become more informed about career and post-secondary options after high school! Schools compete by completing the daily quiz during the competition dates and points earned by students, parents, teachers, and the whole school community contribute to the school's ranking.
Prize: $7,500 in school cash prizes to be won!
Daily Quiz
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2024-09-30 00:00:00
2024-12-06 00:00:00

Bishop's ChatterHigh Competition
Careers and Programs
Grade 6-12 EN/FR
In this competition by Bishop’s, students will explore career and post-secondary resources through the 10-question daily quiz activity. During the competition dates, points earned by students, parents, teachers, and the whole school community contribute to the school's ranking.
Prize: $2,500 in school cash prizes to be won!
Daily Quiz
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2024-10-28 00:00:00
2024-12-06 00:00:00

AB (in select regions)
Medicine Hat College Competition
Careers and Programs
Grade 6-12 EN
This competition is an opportunity for students to explore post-secondary pathways and is open to Grade 6-12 students in select districts in Alberta, including Grasslands Public Schools, Christ the Redeemer SD, Medicine Hat SD, Medicine Hat Catholic SD, and Prairie Rose SD.
Prize: $1,500 in school cash prizes to be won!
Daily Quiz
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2024-04-15 00:00:00
2024-05-24 00:00:00

BC (in select regions)
Connect to Careers Competition
My District
Grade 10 EN
All CLE students from SD34 are invited to participate in the Connect to Careers Competition by SD 34. Students will participate in the competition by answering questions in the Connect to Careers by SD34 course.
Prize: 1st- $500 Staples gift card, 2nd- $250 Staples gift card, 3rd- $150 Staples gift card
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2024-02-12 00:00:00
2024-05-30 00:00:00