Frequently Asked Questions


Have questions? We're here to help! Below is a selection of frequently asked questions we receive from teachers, and students. If what you need to know can't be found below, don't hesitate to reach out!

Getting Started

The ChatterHigh Daily Quiz activity takes an average of 12 minutes to complete, making it a wonderful bell-ringer exercise. During times of competition, your school can earn money. This provides incentive and can make students particularly engaged, so it is a wonderful time to get involved.

There are many ways to use our activity as an assignment. On your teacher dashboard, you have student progress reporting for each class which shows you the number of questions answered and how many were correct. The report even self-marks for you. This is a wonderful tool to help you with grading. We recommend setting a target to answer 300 questions and assigning them a grade based on their correct answers. You can also have your students submit their recommendation reports. 

When introducing the activity to your class, make sure there is computer access. The day of ChatterHigh onboarding will require the most time, but once a student is set up, it takes 12 minutes on average to complete a quiz.  Here are some videos to use for kick-off with your classes:

ChatterHigh Founder Lee Taal shares his unique career path while discussing the value of career education and the importance of hope theory and being adaptable.

Why We Do Career Education- Canada (~ 25 min)

Here is a user guide video for students that goes over the ChatterHigh features. The video is designed so that it can be paused as students try out different features. 

User Guide for ChatterHigh (~10 min)

ChatterHigh is designed to be used year-round and fit with whatever else you may be working on in the classroom. ChatterHigh is like flossing teeth: it is most impactful when you make a daily habit of it. That being said, teachers are able to incorporate it into their own schedule in a way that  works for them. During competition times, it is beneficial to use ChatterHigh daily to boost your school’s ranking. We also highly recommend having students answer at least 300 questions so they can utilize the insightful recommendation report that unlocks and matches major and career interests to institutions. 

ChatterHigh is used in career readiness classes from coast to coast. We have lesson plans available for the USA and for each province in Canada that identifies how we fit with your learning objectives.

ChatterHigh is used in career readiness classes from coast to coast. We have lesson plans available for the USA and for each province in Canada that identifies how we fit with your learning objectives. Check out the career exploration page to learn more!

Navigating Your Teacher Account 

In order for your students to use ChatterHigh they will need to create their own free account. Once their account is created you are then able to add them to your class roster. You will add them to your class by going to “Classes,” selecting the class, and clicking the “Edit Student Roster” button. Then, click the “Add a Student” button. Every student who has created an account and registered under your school will appear on the list.

Sometimes, students accidentally sign up for the wrong school. Have the student verify on their “My Account” page that they have selected the right province and school name. You can always contact a ChatterHigh team member for help. 

Your students also have the option to ‘Join’ your class when they are setting up their accounts. We recommend this, as it is the easiest way to set up your class.

You can ask a ChatterHigh team member for help distinguishing between the two. They will be able to tell you the email associated with each account.

At this time, teachers are not able to see individual students’ recommendation reports. However, a student can show their teacher their report or the teacher can ask the student to print out their report and submit it to them. The recommendation report is a great career discussion piece to help the student start thinking about their future

In your ChatterHigh account, go to the “Classes” tab. Select the class you want to view. Click the “Edit Student Roster” button. On your student roster list, there is a column that says “Report.” If there is a purple check mark beside the student’s name in this column, that means they have unlocked the report.

First, students will need to create their ChatterHigh accounts. Once they have signed up and are logged in, students can join a class by going to the drop-down menu by their name and selecting “My Classes.” On that page, all classes created for their registered school will appear and they can click on “Join” for their correct class.

You can review the module content by doing the module yourself or by requesting a content module booklet . If you would like to complete the module, you can find modules in the drop-down menu under your name. Keep in mind, we have content tailored by grade. Our modules are also designed to have local and relevant resources corresponding to your location. We will announce new relevant modules in our email communications. 

How To Help Your Students

If a student isn’t receiving their email verification in their inbox, they should start by checking their spam folder. If that fails, contact the ChatterHigh team and we will be able to assist you by manually verifying the student’s account. Once the account is verified, they will be able to log in with the email and password they used to create their account.

If your student is having trouble logging in, make sure they are using an updated web browser. If they are struggling because they can’t remember their password, contact a ChatterHigh team member and they can help reset the password. 

Once a student answers 100, 200, or 300 questions, they will automatically receive a short survey to fill out. Completing this survey is mandatory to be able to continue quizzing. In order to submit, they must fill out every field and stay within the character limit. If students are still struggling to submit a survey, you can always ask someone on the ChatterHigh team for help. 

There are two ways that a student can redeem their points. They can donate their points to our partner charities Feeding America and Food Banks Canada and we will convert their points to dollars. Or they can opt to use their points to enter draws. Each month, there will be gift card draws available and on occasion, we have awesome bonus prizes from sponsors. To navigate to your points bank, click on the “redeem my points” button or the oval purple points total. 

Daily Quiz Activity

The best way to see how the quiz works is to try the quiz out yourself. As a teacher, you can navigate to the quiz by clicking on the right drop-down menu by your name and selecting “Quiz.” ChatterHigh questions cover post-secondary, career, health, and finance information. Every student will have a unique quizzing experience due to their location and expressed interest, with content tailored to the individual.

Yes, certain questions are geographically targeted by province or state to provide local and relevant content. That being said, we want students to gain awareness of national programs as well, so students will receive both types of information when relevant.

Unfortunately, broken links happen as we are taking participants to live webpages and sometimes links change or information is updated. We try to stay on top of this as much as possible, but with thousands of questions in our database you will see broken link questions from time to time. To help us identify the broken links, each question has a “report broken link” button. If you experience a broken link, please use this to flag it for our attention. We have a member of the ChatterHigh team responsible for reviewing these broken link reports. If the link is in fact broken, the first student to report the question to us will receive a 50-point credit. 

For the first 100 questions, we ignore your expressed interests from your initial survey and your post-question survey. Instead we expose you to every family of major multiple times to gain awareness of all of the different career paths out there. After 100 questions, 2 questions from every quiz will be tailored to your interests. With thousands of occupations available to choose from, one’s knowledge of options can be limited and there is value in exploring. 

Our quiz has been designed so that you will not receive any repeat questions for the first 300 questions. You may get multiple questions from the same institution or organization but it will be on a different topic. After 300 questions, it is possible you will see questions you have seen before. 


You can review the module content by doing the module yourself or by requesting a content module booklet . If you would like to complete the module, you can find modules in the drop-down menu under your name. Keep in mind, we have content tailored by grade. Our modules are also designed to have local and relevant resources corresponding to your location. We will announce new relevant modules in our email communications. 

No. The points earned from doing the modules will not give you extra points towards national competition rankings. The reason for this is that different regions have different modules available to them, so out of fairness, we keep module points separate. You can, however, use your module points to enter draws and donate to charity. And while your module points don’t count toward national competitions, in a module-specific competition, your points earned from doing that particular module will determine your ranking. Example: WorkSafeBC Module Competition

Modules are learning activities on a specific topic that the participant will take a deep dive into. There is no limitation to the number of questions a student can do in one sitting. They can do the module all at once or complete it at their own pace. In contrast to the daily quiz, our modules cover supplemental curriculum topics like mental health or financial literacy. We also provide a digital guidance office walkthrough for a growing number of colleges and universities.

Competitions and Challenges

Students and teachers will create their free ChatterHigh accounts at They are automatically entered into the competition if they meet the eligibility requirements and will appear on the leaderboard as soon as a participant from their school answers a daily quiz question. 

During the competition dates, all earned points from the school’s participants accumulate together to contribute to the school’s ranking on the leaderboard. In our school competitions, administrators, parents, and friends can also participate to boost the school's standing on the leaderboard!

The student leaderboard shows each student’s ranking during the competition dates. It will show their position, along with other students’ rankings across the country, based on the number of questions they have answered correctly. Student leaderboards might have prizes like bursaries!

There is no cost to participate in the ChatterHigh activity or our competition. Schools can even earn money that can be used towards important school initiatives. 

The ChatterHigh daily activity takes students to reputable higher education, career, labour market, health, and finance webpages. We have representation from all post-secondary institutions in Canada and the USA.

To stay informed about our upcoming competitions, leaderboard updates, and announcements, follow us on social media.




ChatterHigh can be done outside of the classroom on mobile devices or computers, so students can still participate even when class isn’t in session. If the competition begins during non-instructional time, we recommend you get your class started early so they can get into the routine. 

It is not too late to join if you miss the first day or even weeks. You can join the competition at any point. With hard work, we have seen schools come in late and earn a grand prize spot. There’s also a lot of value in the information students are exploring during the competition, so even if you don’t win a grand prize, it is worthwhile to get involved!

Not at all. Choosing to redeem your points during competition time does not affect the competition leaderboard. Points automatically contribute to the leaderboard, so you can use those same points to enter draws or donate, with no penalty. Redeem away!

We will send the cheques directly to schools that won cash prizes on the school leaderboard. We encourage the school administration to recognize the participating teachers and classes who were involved. 

Some great ways we have seen schools use their winnings in the past include: 

  • Pizza party for participating classes
  • Donated to local families or charity
  • Donated to overseas humanitarian projects
  • Bicycle rack for school
  • Water bottle filling station for school
  • Technology for the classroom
  • Presenters for the career classes
  • Graduation Party

You can easily set up a challenge on your own timeline by going to the “Challenges” tab. Click on the “new challenge button.” Select the challenging class, the duration and the email of the teacher you would like to challenge. If you would like to challenge another one of your classes, you can fill in your own email address. Once accepted, the challenge begins at midnight. Creating a challenge provides you with a leaderboard to keep track of points. Teachers may wish to add incentive by having a prize for the winning class.

Lets Talk Careers Competition

Students and teachers will create their free ChatterHigh accounts at They are automatically entered into the competition and will appear on the leaderboard as soon as a participant from their school answers a daily quiz question. 

During the competition dates, all earned points from the school’s participants accumulate together to contribute to the school’s ranking on the leaderboard. In our school competitions, administrators, parents, and friends can also participate to boost the school's standing on the leaderboard!

Students will need to achieve a certain number of correct answers to unlock a bursary reward. 385 correct = $200; 350 correct = $125; 300 correct = $100; 250 correct = $25; 200 correct = $10. Students’ points go towards both the student and school leaderboards. 

ChatterHigh Communications Inc

Yes, ChatterHigh is complementary to these tools. Most schools that use ChatterHigh already use one of those tools.  Research has shown that using ChatterHigh in addition to one of these tools is very useful, making ChatterHigh a great addition to your existing career toolkit. Read more about how ChatterHigh complements existing career education tools.

ChatterHigh is a for-profit company that behaves a lot like a social enterprise in that the activity raises funds for schools and charity.  ChatterHigh works with partner institutions and districts to write quiz questions and module content. However, several ChatterHigh activities are a free-to-use service for schools, teachers, and students alike.

ChatterHigh spent years writing questions for every public institution in Canada and the U.S., ensuring a balance of content across the career & post-secondary program spectrum.  ChatterHigh makes money in two ways.  

Institutions, industry associations, government and appropriate non-profits may pay to provide additional content into our quiz database.  For example, if a college wishes to ensure a new program can be discovered.  It helps sometimes to recognize that schools permit colleges to spend money on sending printed material or presenters to schools, or getting booths at career fairs, to help students explore and that ChatterHigh is simply a digital interface for the same information.

School Districts may pay for a more comprehensive service package, or to use ChatterHigh to provide customized learning modules (e.g. Dual Credit Module for the district), or use data to identify gaps in awareness for specific areas of study (e.g. STEM awareness in females).

The website does not contain advertisements, nor are questions in the activities allowed to be commercial.  ChatterHigh carefully selects our partnerships vets all content in our daily quiz and modules before it goes live. We ensure the content is appropriate, informative, and relevant to a student’s journey and the schools' curriculum. ChatterHigh was built to fit the career curriculum and be an activity used in the classroom. Questions in the activity are presented on their own webpage, and that webpage may have a graphic that represents the organization in the question.

Unless a District is paying to use ChatterHigh for a specific reason (e.g. a Customized Module), in which case the district will want to know specific information about their students, ChatterHigh does not provide or distribute personally identifiable information of its users. This is a core value for ChatterHigh. We keep this information safely stored. Please check out our Privacy Policy for further details.